We are constantly being told that there are more job seekers than jobs, yet for many employers finding the right employee to fill their open positions can be a struggle and a laborious process.

  • Using an employment agency can be beneficial for many reasons.  Most common reason, is to save time and effort. 

Paying an agency fee lessens the amount of applications that you would have to sift through compared to doing it yourself from ads placed in newspapers, or on the internet.

Other reasons:

  • Filling specialized, or senior positions that require certain level of experience.
  • Confidentially for high profile organisations who want to avoid the influx of unqualified candidates that are attracted by the company’s name.
  • Replacing someone who is unaware they are being replaced.
  • Access to a database of relevant candidates

An advertisement may result in many hundreds or even thousands of applications. To take the hassle out of recruitment, consider the overall package of having ejamjobs.com working on your behalf. 

We offer: quality pre-screened candidates, candidate replacement terms, reference checks, on-site interviewing facilities, etc.  Valuable cost effective recruitment services that will save you time, money and energy.

For information on how ejamjobs.com can assist - Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.