Getting through this together.

The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic is troublesome for many businesses and institutions across all sectors. Some have laid off employees while others have halted their hiring process.

There is no doubt that the outcome of the Coronavirus Pandemic will bring forth major changes to the work force and shift the way business operates. Even if you prefer not to hire until after the Pandemic passes, you can still prepare now. This is the perfect time for Employers who are experiencing a down time to improve, or develop new policies and practices that can enhance a successful and speedy business recovery.

The following are some innovative ideas to consider:

1. Create a culture of hygienic practices in the workplace in which your employees maintain their welfare.

2. Give workers an opportunity to work from home and with a flexible schedule.

3. Consider remote work options to freelancers locally and globally.

4. Digitize your recruitment process by sourcing candidates online, minimising the preliminary contact with potential candidates.

5. Evaluate your business operations and determine what else can be done online should the need arise.

These ideas can help to maintain your operations throughout all types of crisis. This is also the time to find great talent, as passive candidates are now at home and have the freedom to search and apply for your job vacancy. Use this time to build a pipeline of good talent.

When the Pandemic passes, there will be little time to hire qualified candidates for when they are needed. With all this downtime and uncertainty, Candidates are now seeking job opportunities online.

This is not the time to panic or get discouraged; instead, prepare to move forward by recognizing that your workers well-being and operating business online needs to be a top focus. Let’s work together in Putting Jamaica Back to Work!

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e-JAM offers traditional recruitment and business services in a digital world. Whether you need to work with one of our Consultants on how to best manage your business online in times of crisis or are looking for your next new hire, contact us.