Getting through this together.

The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic is troublesome for many businesses and institutions across all sectors. Some have laid off employees while others have halted their hiring process.

There is no doubt that the outcome of the Coronavirus Pandemic will bring forth major changes to the work force and shift the way business operates. Even if you prefer not to hire until after the Pandemic passes, you can still prepare now. This is the perfect time for Employers who are experiencing a down time to improve, or develop new policies and practices that can enhance a successful and speedy business recovery.

The following are some innovative ideas to consider:

1. Create a culture of hygienic practices in the workplace in which your employees maintain their welfare.

2. Give workers an opportunity to work from home and with a flexible schedule.

3. Consider remote work options to freelancers locally and globally.

4. Digitize your recruitment process by sourcing candidates online, minimising the preliminary contact with potential candidates.

5. Evaluate your business operations and determine what else can be done online should the need arise.

These ideas can help to maintain your operations throughout all types of crisis. This is also the time to find great talent, as passive candidates are now at home and have the freedom to search and apply for your job vacancy. Use this time to build a pipeline of good talent.

When the Pandemic passes, there will be little time to hire qualified candidates for when they are needed. With all this downtime and uncertainty, Candidates are now seeking job opportunities online.

This is not the time to panic or get discouraged; instead, prepare to move forward by recognizing that your workers well-being and operating business online needs to be a top focus. Let’s work together in Putting Jamaica Back to Work!

You can register on for FREE to post jobs.

e-JAM offers traditional recruitment and business services in a digital world. Whether you need to work with one of our Consultants on how to best manage your business online in times of crisis or are looking for your next new hire, contact us.

10+ years in Recruitment has privileged us to hear and experience the highs and lows of Recruitment.   Two things repeated often:


"I go through X amount of employees per year. It costs me X amount of dollars to hire and these people never work out...."


"I spend time and money hiring, time and money training and these employees just don't last”


This sentiment is echoed over and over again by Employers across every industry, at all hiring levels. From Hiring Managers in hospitality, retail, finance and more, Recruitment seems to be a puzzle many have not readily worked out.


Hiring, training and turn-over is a costly fact of business. Costly in time, energy and money. Still, there can be no work done without the people to create the goods and provide the services that sustain our companies. So it is a cost every business owner must bare.


Recruiting and hiring new employees and team members IS work.  At e-JAM, we refine the process and perform the task as efficiently as possible through our user-friendly software and expert Recruiters.  With pre-screened and diversely qualified candidates on the ready, we can alleviate the stress of what once was a tedious and costly process.


It saves to get it right!


Connect with e-JAM today to see how our combination of new technology and a detailed vetting and focused recruiting process to kick-off your New Year hiring campaign right!  CONTACT US for more details.


 e-JAM has conducted successful recruitment campaigns with top firms locally and internationally






Employers can increase the number of qualified candidates applying for their job with a good job description.

We talk a lot about thoroughly pre-screening candidates and ensuring that they have an updated resume, with the hope of finding qualified candidates that our clients are demanding. 

 The truth is, candidates are not the only ones that need pre-screening and to provide detailed information. Todays Jobseekers are demanding more than just information about the position they are applying for and the type of company.  They want to know about the company’s image, training, advancement/promotion opportunities, flexible working hours, benefits, etc.

 In order to attract and hire qualified candidates, it is important that Employers find creative ways in making their job descriptions opening attractive to potential candidates.  Not only should the job description clearly outline what the job entails and what the person is expected to do, it should include information about the company’s image, vision and mission.  Jobseekers want to get an insight into the type of work environment and the benefits of working for their company. 

 A well-written job description is a great tool to learn about and to pre-screen a company; it gives potential employees a clear understanding of the core requirements of the job and a good sense of the company’s culture.

 e-JAM is always available to assist our clients in writing a winning Job Description that gets results. 

By YR,

Contributing Editor,

e-JAM Team


Finding the right person that both fills your open position and fits your company culture is now harder than ever.

The market for good employees has never been more competitive and businesses are fighting tooth and nail to land their next new hire. We have put together a few tips on how you can improve your chance of landing the best person for your business.

  Plan and execute your recruiting strategy
  Define the role you are filling
  Embrace digital trends and social media
  Write detailed job descriptions as if you were applying for that job
  Improve your interview process
  Follow up with job candidates

Having a sound recruiting strategy will help the process of making a new hire smooth and consistent.  The recruitment strategy should define the steps your recruiters or hiring team should follow when filling an opening. This policy should include your company’s hiring goals, marketing plan, screening, and interviewing process.

Defining what role the next person to join your team will play is paramount.  Knowing roles helps team dynamics, leading to more efficient and productive work environments. It also helps the hiring manager to determine what skills, traits, and characteristics to look for in the candidates they will be interviewing for this position.

Your company’s employer brand should be well-defined and attractive to prospective employees. Embrace digital trends and use social media to connect with the community to show what it is like working for your company. Having a great brand is not just important in selling a product or a service, it also determines the type of person that is willing to work for you.  

Aim to improve your interview process using the following strategies:

- Have a standardized list of questions that will help translate consistency and transparency to the prospective applicant. 

- Ensure that your interviews are fair across the board.

- Use a rating system.

- Create a list of abilities and attributes your company needs in the person you are looking to hire and formulate a system to measure and quantify these traits. Use this to keep the score of your candidates. This is another way to ensure that your interview process is fair, allowing you to screen for bias. Ensuring that the person you extend the job offer to is, in fact, the best-screened candidate using an objective process.

 - Learn about your prospect. We all have heard how important it is for job seekers to know about the company, but as a recruiter or hiring manager, it always helps to know something about the person you are interviewing. Review their resume to get a sense of their strengths; what are their interests and use this information to build a report with the candidate.

- Be sure to follow up with candidates after interviews. Job-seeking can be a job in itself.  It is important to let applicants know yes or no if they have been made an offer after an interview. Be as transparent and constructive as possible. Having open communication sets a tone and will help solidify your employer's brand. This also allows you the opportunity to stay on good terms with potential future applicants, as someone may not be the best fit now, but later on could help fill another role in your organization.

 e-JAM can partner with you for full-service recruitment solutions for full-time, part-time, and contract employees. 

For More Tips on hiring please check out our other blogs

Hire The Right Candidate

It doesn’t have to be…..the key is writing an informative job description and having trained interviewers who are prepared and able to sell your company’s brand and culture.

Despite high unemployment, Employers are still having difficulty finding the right fit, especially for key roles that demand specialized skills.
Candidates who have the right skills, experiences and match the job roles are not necessarily ideal.  Employers are now looking for more, namely candidates with the required personality and a combination of soft skills; such as leadership qualities, being able to perform well under stress, can get along with other team members, willing to learn, take the initiative, ask questions and so on.

Employers who demand more must state those additional requirements in their job description.


10 Things To Consider:

1. Identify skills, qualities, education and past experiences which are required, including soft skills, then make sure these are clearly outlined in the job advertisement.
2. Application process should be clearly stated.
3. Interviewers should be well trained, have a good understanding of the job role.
4. Interview questions should invoke responses which help in providing evidence of the candidate's positive behaviour in prior jobs and whether they were able to get along with other team members.
5. It should be clearly outlined that there is a high value placed on work ethics, attitude, motivation, the personality and other attributes fitting your business culture.
6. Give a clear understanding of the cultural aspects of the organization.
7. Outline clearly benefits, perks and other elements of the compensation package being offered.
8. The company's Website and Social Media sites should highlight the company’s brand and reputation as an employer.
9. Demonstrate the opportunity for candidates to be promoted to other challenging and rewarding jobs
10. Partnering with a qualified recruitment agency that can match candidates' profile with your job description.

E-JAM believes that the right candidates are available, but employers must:

- Be willing to be more flexible and consider offering some training for the near perfect candidates
- Be willing to pay for top talent
- Be mindful that it is a two-way street, top talented candidates are also looking for certain attributes when looking for a job, such as:
 a. A company with a good reputation for rewarding and developing employees.
 b. Competitive compensation and benefits
 c. Opportunities which are challenging and befitting contemporary lifestyles.
 d. An opportunity to learn and grow    
E-AM is a recruitment agency that combines modern online recruitment with the personal ingredients of traditional recruitment. Our goal in assisting our clients is not just to find applicants to "fill a job", but to search and present qualified  pre-screened candidates that match employers' job criteria and those worthy of being interviewed.  Our process eliminates time wasted in filtering, assessing and matching applicants.
We are always evaluating our recruitment strategies and investing much time to incorporate innovative and creative ideas in reaching, recruiting and evaluating candidates.   In order to better service our clients we are offering a 14 days FREE job posting plan to companies in lieu of completing our online survey.  Your feedback will help us to serve you better as we continue to grow and improve.